It appears as though I have not posted since the end of 2011 - and for that, I apologize. But, I do have a lot of rationale.
Since December 2011, I began a new job (in April to be exact) which essentially left me with a new home, new friends, and a new life. I also was give-and-take with the Weight Watchers (once it was successful and I had taken advantage of it, of course) and had fell off the wagon in regards to this blog topic. Also, I am returning to school for yet another degree - so, there is a lot on my plate. :)
Also, I debated leaving BlogSpot for wordpress and things of that nature and toyed with several other blogs before heading back here to my OG. Me so sorry :)
I know that part of my self care includes healthy expression of emotions, practicing mindfulness, and also journaling. Blogging has always allowed me to express myself (in ways that are personal, or in ways that may offend you), to vent, and to "journal" without having a sore hand. So, I vow today to continue with this blogging journey and to blog daily (or as much as I promise I will!)
Please be mindful when following me on this blog that I do on occasion whine about how much I miss my father, death in general in an anthropological sense, food/body image, eating disorders, mental health, men, nature!, pinterest, idiotic people, movies about men/relationships, random inspirations, bitches who bitch about bitches being bitches.. etc! :D
If you don't like what I have to say, well - 9 times out of 10 I'm saying what everyone else was thinking AND that's why the X button was invented - see your way out :)
Should you continue to follow me or begin to follow me - I hope to entertain :)
I'm hoping to write tonight/tomorrow about break ups due to a recent inspiration from a dear friend of mine and how men are so unappreciative, and well frankly - idiots.
However... I must continue to read about justice systems for now. Feel free to let me know anything you'd like to hear about.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
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a little glimpse

- Mountain Sarah
- Liverpool, NY, United States
- I lost my father completely unexpectedly when I was 22 and have never been the same. I went to rehab for my eating disorder and have been in recovery for 8 years now symptom free. Must Love Dogs. I am very artistic and expressive and can hardly find time to cater to my photography business or self-expression. I work in the most life-altering profession with the highest burn out rate (substance abuse counseling). I believe that Nature is MY personal higher power, however I do accept everyones variations of religion. I could easily live off of carbs. I absolutely hate the warm weather, by warm I mean over 65 and I am not happy. I wish it was Fall (or Spring) all year round. I plan my dream wedding every other week, but fear I will never get married. I refuse to wear a white wedding dress. I hope to someday live in Alaska. I changed my major 5 times in college. I am faithful, loyal, and real. I will always have the last word, and do not ever cross me or question what I am capable of. I am also an avid Pinner, and happen to love Volkswagens and snacks. I also am an Independent Consultant for Arbonne, which I love! (earth lovers, unite!)