Tonight I came across this article about "Living Frugal". It was actually a blog from a military wife and what caught my eye was the fact that it said, "we are a family of four and live on 14,000$".. my thought was, "are you fucking kidding me? is that possible? I am a family of ONE and cannot live on 14,000$".. None the less- I think about why we don't live frugally or reasons we do continue to spend out of control and I feel that it typically stems from a lack of happiness, an obsession/compulsion in regards to thinking habits, the idea that "things" will make us happy (i.e. retail therapy - which yes, I am completely guilty of!), and overall the need to impress other people. I think to myself, okay wow I have a lot of nice things, expensive things, and for example let's talk about $350 sunglass I bought a few years back. Now... was that a wise purchase? NO! But why did I buy them? Because I really needed them? No. But, because it set me apart from other people in terms of "status" or financial status in particular? Probably. As if to say, "Look at me, look at how cool I am - I have $350 sunglasses and yours aren't!" - REAL SMART SARAH, REAL SMART. The more I move forward with my life and continue my education and working in the field I'm in - I see just how much more important it is to be humble, to be kind, and to focus less on "things". Now, I will admit "shopping" and my addiction for "things" went hand-in-hand with my eating disorder. It was not necessarily a status quo or a desire to look stellar, but rather - it was another "drug" for me (a spending high, or in the psychology world we refer to as the "hedonic treadmill").
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs goes to show that people are typically happy and/or satisfied when their basic needs are met (i.e. food, shelter, clothing, protection). Anything about this is just a surplus and is not necessarily contributing to your overall happiness. A dear friend of mine who is far wiser (and nicer) than I am, introduced me to a documentary entitled, "Happy" - her name is Emily. The film specifically discusses the hedonic treadmill (as well as 90 million other cultures who are happy without things). Studies show that YES, the difference between someone with an income of $5,000 and $50,000 is drastic. WHY? Because with $5,000/year you cannot meet your basic needs! However, the difference in happiness between someone who makes $50K and $50MIL? There really was no difference. In fact, people who had MORE money were found to be more consumed by consumerism, more anxious, and found they had less close personal relationships. One of the biggest components to happiness in the documentary was close personal relationships with family (or whom you consider family).
So, am I saying to go out and burn your Jimmy Choo's and stop spending needless amounts of money to look glamorous or paint a good picture for everyone else? NO! I'm just asking you to step back from the big picture (like I had/have to!) and ask yourself what you're really buying? Do you really need _______ ? I think it's important to see what we need to spend that's inside us - versus or monetary transactions that are empty and occur on a daily basis outside of our basic needs.
Just food for thought... :)
Anyway- so this is a link to that girls blog. Lots of a good ideas. You have to decide where you are willing to cut and really what kind of "baller" are you. Do you want to live it up while you are in our 20's or do you want to pay cash for your first house? It's up to you.
loose lips sink ships.
there's more to life than trying to survive.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
2011, really?? oy vey.
It appears as though I have not posted since the end of 2011 - and for that, I apologize. But, I do have a lot of rationale.
Since December 2011, I began a new job (in April to be exact) which essentially left me with a new home, new friends, and a new life. I also was give-and-take with the Weight Watchers (once it was successful and I had taken advantage of it, of course) and had fell off the wagon in regards to this blog topic. Also, I am returning to school for yet another degree - so, there is a lot on my plate. :)
Also, I debated leaving BlogSpot for wordpress and things of that nature and toyed with several other blogs before heading back here to my OG. Me so sorry :)
I know that part of my self care includes healthy expression of emotions, practicing mindfulness, and also journaling. Blogging has always allowed me to express myself (in ways that are personal, or in ways that may offend you), to vent, and to "journal" without having a sore hand. So, I vow today to continue with this blogging journey and to blog daily (or as much as I promise I will!)
Please be mindful when following me on this blog that I do on occasion whine about how much I miss my father, death in general in an anthropological sense, food/body image, eating disorders, mental health, men, nature!, pinterest, idiotic people, movies about men/relationships, random inspirations, bitches who bitch about bitches being bitches.. etc! :D
If you don't like what I have to say, well - 9 times out of 10 I'm saying what everyone else was thinking AND that's why the X button was invented - see your way out :)
Should you continue to follow me or begin to follow me - I hope to entertain :)
I'm hoping to write tonight/tomorrow about break ups due to a recent inspiration from a dear friend of mine and how men are so unappreciative, and well frankly - idiots.
However... I must continue to read about justice systems for now. Feel free to let me know anything you'd like to hear about.
Since December 2011, I began a new job (in April to be exact) which essentially left me with a new home, new friends, and a new life. I also was give-and-take with the Weight Watchers (once it was successful and I had taken advantage of it, of course) and had fell off the wagon in regards to this blog topic. Also, I am returning to school for yet another degree - so, there is a lot on my plate. :)
Also, I debated leaving BlogSpot for wordpress and things of that nature and toyed with several other blogs before heading back here to my OG. Me so sorry :)
I know that part of my self care includes healthy expression of emotions, practicing mindfulness, and also journaling. Blogging has always allowed me to express myself (in ways that are personal, or in ways that may offend you), to vent, and to "journal" without having a sore hand. So, I vow today to continue with this blogging journey and to blog daily (or as much as I promise I will!)
Please be mindful when following me on this blog that I do on occasion whine about how much I miss my father, death in general in an anthropological sense, food/body image, eating disorders, mental health, men, nature!, pinterest, idiotic people, movies about men/relationships, random inspirations, bitches who bitch about bitches being bitches.. etc! :D
If you don't like what I have to say, well - 9 times out of 10 I'm saying what everyone else was thinking AND that's why the X button was invented - see your way out :)
Should you continue to follow me or begin to follow me - I hope to entertain :)
I'm hoping to write tonight/tomorrow about break ups due to a recent inspiration from a dear friend of mine and how men are so unappreciative, and well frankly - idiots.
However... I must continue to read about justice systems for now. Feel free to let me know anything you'd like to hear about.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Weight Watchers: Why it's working & Tips!
Good Afternoon all!
Due to popular request/demand, etc. I am writing this blog solely based on weight watchers information and my recent venture INTO Weight Watchers (which I often refer to as WW).
I recently started (Nov. 7) The WWPoints+ system. This is DIFFERENT in values substantially from the old point system (which I was used to from some years back) but I do like it remarkably better! For those of you who are unsure about WW, you essentially get a book with every food you can think of in it that is assigned a points value based on its protein, carb, fat, and fiber content. Also, by your height, weight, sex, and age you are calculated and given a Daily Point Target of how many points you should have a day. So, everytime you eat something - you look up the food (WITH PROPER PORTION SIZE) and track all your food until you hit your DPT. This way, it teaches you more mindful eating, healthy eating, etc. because you will notice that ALL fruits and MOST vegetables are 0 points so if you are HUNGRY and don't want to waste points - there's your sign!! Also, you are given a WEEKLY allowance of 49 points (Regardless of your weight/DPT) that is your little "piggy bank" to use whenever you want through out the week (event, party, out to dinner, etc).
ANYWAY - So, in 5 weeks (with Thanksgiving, and my birthday) I have lost 16.8 lbs! I have not exercised 1 bit (because I have pretty much no time!) and this diet happens to be perfect for me! I did have a lot of sceptics who were not supporting me because of my "past" however - the people who are supporting me - have been WONDERFUL and have seen how great I am doing and I appreciate that!
So, the juice! People ask all the time - "what is working for you?" or "what's your secrets?", "how do you stay on track?" and here is my answer: PORTIONS!!! I LITERALLY CARRY MEASURING CUPS/SPOONS with me in my purse everywhere. I bought a set of each that are on a ring (plastic ones) at the dollar store - and I keep them in my purse! Essentially on this "diet" you can eat ANYTHING you want - but it's all in moderation. In fact, WW prefers to not call it a diet at all - but rather a "Lifestyle Change". You're body will learn more about its feelings toward hunger, you will notice a lot of change - and the most important thing I noticed upon measuring NORMAL/REAL servings sizes is how much I was OVEREATING and how much my "eye-balling" it thinking that was a "normal helping" was really NOT normal at all!! (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this) ;) - and never sit down with a full bag of anything telling yourself you will STOP, just pour your serving into a bowl, and walk away and be done with it. Clear your space of unhealthy things that trigger you to overeat!
So, without fail - I measure everything! I have a scale for lunch meat, etc (which I can guestimate now that I am used to it) but I always measure out peanut butter, salad dressing, glasses of milk, etc. because unfortunately in society - we are indulgent - we are not moderate! AND I don't know about you, but I'm an emotional eater (regardless of the emotion) and my portions were CRAZY! So, now I may have to eat a 1/2 c. of mashed potatoes (where I probably used to scoop 1-1/2 c.) but you realize how much it really is and that it ISN'T that small. Eventually, your body gets used to the normal portion sizes and then you are not TEMPTED to overeat - because you've already curbed and tamed your appetite.
Some other suggestions; you can't eat it if you don't have it - so DON'T buy it! I often like sweets or chocolate after dinner, so I grab the Skinny Cow snacks at Wegman's. Also, they say, "If you aren't hungry enough to eat fruits and vegetables, you're not REALLY hungry." - Makes sense, right?
Overall, I love it. I can eat whatever I want and I have the flexibility to do whatever - I just have to measure a proper portion! You can also buy a more complepte food guide and then a dining out companion too so you can measure the points of the food you eat out at your favorite restaurants!
Another thing I will say - is to really REMEMBER to measure portions and READ the portions! A lot of people will be like, "oh I had pancakes this morning, how many points is that?" so, they go over to the book and see that Pancakes, 2 any size is 2 points - however, they ate 5 pancakes but see "Pancakes 2" and just write down 2 points. This is not accurate. You have to look at the point calculation for the serving amount!
So what's my secret? Normal serving sizes, less drinking, MEASURING everything (everything! butter, syrup, salad dressing, everything!) and TRACKING! Also, fill your plate with power foods which include fresh fruits and vegetables, non-fat dairy, whole grain, etc! WHITE SUGAR/FLOUR are the devil!! Write everything down and subtract it from your DPT like a check book! Then, as you lose weight - your DPT will drop and that way you can keep maintaining weight loss until you are satisfied with your healthy weight goal.
Also - look for FIBER! Fiber is key in losing weight! The more fiber, the better and the less points something will be! Also, just because something is FAT FREE doesn't mean it is SUGAR FREE! AND - keep an eye on salt or added sugar. Also - I stopped drinking regular soda and I know that was a HUGE help!
One more secret? GO TO THE MEETINGS. Pay for it, join. The meetings really help! Follow the rules and stick with the program because once you say, "I can do it on my own" you typically fall off the wagon - it's proven. People in the prorgam lose 51% more weight than people who try to do it on their own!
So, there are my secrets! Feel free to leave comments or write me if you have any more questions!! :) Hope this helps a little!
Happy Healthing :)
Due to popular request/demand, etc. I am writing this blog solely based on weight watchers information and my recent venture INTO Weight Watchers (which I often refer to as WW).
I recently started (Nov. 7) The WWPoints+ system. This is DIFFERENT in values substantially from the old point system (which I was used to from some years back) but I do like it remarkably better! For those of you who are unsure about WW, you essentially get a book with every food you can think of in it that is assigned a points value based on its protein, carb, fat, and fiber content. Also, by your height, weight, sex, and age you are calculated and given a Daily Point Target of how many points you should have a day. So, everytime you eat something - you look up the food (WITH PROPER PORTION SIZE) and track all your food until you hit your DPT. This way, it teaches you more mindful eating, healthy eating, etc. because you will notice that ALL fruits and MOST vegetables are 0 points so if you are HUNGRY and don't want to waste points - there's your sign!! Also, you are given a WEEKLY allowance of 49 points (Regardless of your weight/DPT) that is your little "piggy bank" to use whenever you want through out the week (event, party, out to dinner, etc).
ANYWAY - So, in 5 weeks (with Thanksgiving, and my birthday) I have lost 16.8 lbs! I have not exercised 1 bit (because I have pretty much no time!) and this diet happens to be perfect for me! I did have a lot of sceptics who were not supporting me because of my "past" however - the people who are supporting me - have been WONDERFUL and have seen how great I am doing and I appreciate that!
So, the juice! People ask all the time - "what is working for you?" or "what's your secrets?", "how do you stay on track?" and here is my answer: PORTIONS!!! I LITERALLY CARRY MEASURING CUPS/SPOONS with me in my purse everywhere. I bought a set of each that are on a ring (plastic ones) at the dollar store - and I keep them in my purse! Essentially on this "diet" you can eat ANYTHING you want - but it's all in moderation. In fact, WW prefers to not call it a diet at all - but rather a "Lifestyle Change". You're body will learn more about its feelings toward hunger, you will notice a lot of change - and the most important thing I noticed upon measuring NORMAL/REAL servings sizes is how much I was OVEREATING and how much my "eye-balling" it thinking that was a "normal helping" was really NOT normal at all!! (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this) ;) - and never sit down with a full bag of anything telling yourself you will STOP, just pour your serving into a bowl, and walk away and be done with it. Clear your space of unhealthy things that trigger you to overeat!
So, without fail - I measure everything! I have a scale for lunch meat, etc (which I can guestimate now that I am used to it) but I always measure out peanut butter, salad dressing, glasses of milk, etc. because unfortunately in society - we are indulgent - we are not moderate! AND I don't know about you, but I'm an emotional eater (regardless of the emotion) and my portions were CRAZY! So, now I may have to eat a 1/2 c. of mashed potatoes (where I probably used to scoop 1-1/2 c.) but you realize how much it really is and that it ISN'T that small. Eventually, your body gets used to the normal portion sizes and then you are not TEMPTED to overeat - because you've already curbed and tamed your appetite.
Some other suggestions; you can't eat it if you don't have it - so DON'T buy it! I often like sweets or chocolate after dinner, so I grab the Skinny Cow snacks at Wegman's. Also, they say, "If you aren't hungry enough to eat fruits and vegetables, you're not REALLY hungry." - Makes sense, right?
Overall, I love it. I can eat whatever I want and I have the flexibility to do whatever - I just have to measure a proper portion! You can also buy a more complepte food guide and then a dining out companion too so you can measure the points of the food you eat out at your favorite restaurants!
Another thing I will say - is to really REMEMBER to measure portions and READ the portions! A lot of people will be like, "oh I had pancakes this morning, how many points is that?" so, they go over to the book and see that Pancakes, 2 any size is 2 points - however, they ate 5 pancakes but see "Pancakes 2" and just write down 2 points. This is not accurate. You have to look at the point calculation for the serving amount!
So what's my secret? Normal serving sizes, less drinking, MEASURING everything (everything! butter, syrup, salad dressing, everything!) and TRACKING! Also, fill your plate with power foods which include fresh fruits and vegetables, non-fat dairy, whole grain, etc! WHITE SUGAR/FLOUR are the devil!! Write everything down and subtract it from your DPT like a check book! Then, as you lose weight - your DPT will drop and that way you can keep maintaining weight loss until you are satisfied with your healthy weight goal.
Also - look for FIBER! Fiber is key in losing weight! The more fiber, the better and the less points something will be! Also, just because something is FAT FREE doesn't mean it is SUGAR FREE! AND - keep an eye on salt or added sugar. Also - I stopped drinking regular soda and I know that was a HUGE help!
One more secret? GO TO THE MEETINGS. Pay for it, join. The meetings really help! Follow the rules and stick with the program because once you say, "I can do it on my own" you typically fall off the wagon - it's proven. People in the prorgam lose 51% more weight than people who try to do it on their own!
So, there are my secrets! Feel free to leave comments or write me if you have any more questions!! :) Hope this helps a little!
Happy Healthing :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thanksgiving is OVER.
Well, here we are. Thanksgiving is over and we of are now upon the OTHER or rather BIGGEST Holiday of the year, Christmas! As we approach the Christmas season I become more and more nervous about what I'm going to buy people, what ideas am I going to come up with, is Gizmo going to need surgery on his leg, am I going to be broke? etc. and I keep trying to search in my heart for the real meaning of Christmas and the things which are really important. However, it seems even if you, as an individual, try to keep those ideals close to heart and remember the importance (that's great) but it's almost impossible to get everyone else on the same page and Christmas has become less about family and more about giving/getting and spending. As you can see, look at what Thanksgiving has turned into -- nothing but an important focus on "Black Friday" shopping which is making people act OUTRAGEOUS! What does this say about our society as a whole? or our cultures individually and ubiquitously? I'm curious to know.
As I find myself browsing the latest holiday goodies, I can't help but get caught up on Pinterest (my addiction of the last 5 months) and and the DIY gifts and crafts and think "why can't me making something be enough?" BUT here's the question - is it myself that I am judging to harshly? Would these people whom I love accept and love a hand-made gift just fine and perhaps I'M the one ASSUMING it won't be enough? OR have they really made me feel like that? I think if you look hard enough, you'll realize that a lot (at least I have) is the notion that I will "let them down" because I didn't get them the next hottest item or spend 2,000$ on them, etc. When in reality, I think people are generally grateful for whatever, whether disappointed in what they got (or didn't get rather) - they are generally reflectively grateful. I think a gift that is handmade really DOES say a lot more as trite and old fashioned as this sounds! I would MUCH rather receive a simple card from my boyfriend who wrote a page long letter in it to me from the HEART than an iPad or a new Pandora charm. Those are things we don't often get to say or hear, but yet are being set with monetary value instead. Are we buying what we cannot say? Or are we buying things on order to break the ice and say what we SHOULD be saying all year long? The "I love you's, Thank You's, You're beautiful the way you are's.." -- What are we REALLY spending all this money on? Satisfaction? Gloat? Pleasure? Because we can? The last time I checked that feeling you got in your belly when your significant other kisses you and looks you in the eye, or the way your children make you feel when they only call your name because you are needed* are things that cannot be purchased and are more than enough every other day of the year to fill our hearts and souls.
Why aren't they enough now?
I urge you to think about what you are spending, why you are spending, and if it's really necessary to do so. So many times you see credit cards go through the roof, debt, bills, layaway, and for what?
If you really look around, I think you'll see that the people you love are already pretty happy with who you are right now.
Do yourself a favor, make something - craft something - inspire yourself & inspire others! I'm going to make a promise to myself to Pinterest, to tumblr, and to check out all sorts of DIY's and see what I can possibly create from the heart - rather than deep into my wallet.
Good luck, all :)
As I find myself browsing the latest holiday goodies, I can't help but get caught up on Pinterest (my addiction of the last 5 months) and and the DIY gifts and crafts and think "why can't me making something be enough?" BUT here's the question - is it myself that I am judging to harshly? Would these people whom I love accept and love a hand-made gift just fine and perhaps I'M the one ASSUMING it won't be enough? OR have they really made me feel like that? I think if you look hard enough, you'll realize that a lot (at least I have) is the notion that I will "let them down" because I didn't get them the next hottest item or spend 2,000$ on them, etc. When in reality, I think people are generally grateful for whatever, whether disappointed in what they got (or didn't get rather) - they are generally reflectively grateful. I think a gift that is handmade really DOES say a lot more as trite and old fashioned as this sounds! I would MUCH rather receive a simple card from my boyfriend who wrote a page long letter in it to me from the HEART than an iPad or a new Pandora charm. Those are things we don't often get to say or hear, but yet are being set with monetary value instead. Are we buying what we cannot say? Or are we buying things on order to break the ice and say what we SHOULD be saying all year long? The "I love you's, Thank You's, You're beautiful the way you are's.." -- What are we REALLY spending all this money on? Satisfaction? Gloat? Pleasure? Because we can? The last time I checked that feeling you got in your belly when your significant other kisses you and looks you in the eye, or the way your children make you feel when they only call your name because you are needed* are things that cannot be purchased and are more than enough every other day of the year to fill our hearts and souls.
Why aren't they enough now?
I urge you to think about what you are spending, why you are spending, and if it's really necessary to do so. So many times you see credit cards go through the roof, debt, bills, layaway, and for what?
If you really look around, I think you'll see that the people you love are already pretty happy with who you are right now.
Do yourself a favor, make something - craft something - inspire yourself & inspire others! I'm going to make a promise to myself to Pinterest, to tumblr, and to check out all sorts of DIY's and see what I can possibly create from the heart - rather than deep into my wallet.
Good luck, all :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Salem, Mass.
So, needless to say - this trip to Salem, Mass was LONG awaited and soo worth it! My boyfriend, his mother, and I took off early Saturday morning to get a little taste of be-witching! :) I have been reading for the last year several books about the Salem Witch Trials and the overall sociology of witchcraft in general, from a historical standpoint - not present day practice. The trip was amazing and we got to do the typical tourist stuff such as seeing The House of Seven Gables, and the basic Salem area of the dungeon museum, the witchcraft museum, the town square, and all the old buildings and some awesome shops! We also go to eat at their brew factory where we had a delicious pumpkin ale rimmed with cinnamon and sugar - delishhh! We could not really complain about the food there. All of the local restaurants were great! Salem (from a historical or predisposed stand-point) was a little bit too modern to me - I was hoping they would have preserved more - but I know it's been 300 years so I'm trying to be realistic! So - that was a little disappointing - but still awesome! They also had a bizarre/fair going on which was cool!
I did not get to see the old Salem jail or Gallow Hill so that will be for next time! I am already talking about November of THIS year :). We also got to stop in the Boston Harbor on the way home so Eric could see the USS Constitution and the Cassin Young! It was pretty remarkable!
MORE exciting - we got to go on a paranormal investigation trip (Paranormal Salem) and actually use and handle all the equipment from 12am-2am through historic Salem (the actual haunted spots, not the re-creations!) It was SO creepy! If you check out my Facebook, you will see all the pictures and the distortions in the pictures that are believed to be from paranormal activity! There are blemishes and orbs and such which have no reason to be there other than the spooky! :) I got to use the EMF machine, but there were also pendelums and rods as well! It was so awesome and we had a small intimate group of 7 so that was great! We had some awesome encounters and some crazy things happen and overall it was the BEST part of the trip! I would definatly go back to Salem/live there! :) Crazy stuff.. but too much to blog about :)
The only thing that pissed me off was booking the Hilton! Okay.. so we get to the Hilton having booked two queen beds for our stay because we knew we'd barely be in the room... just enough to sleep, shower, and run. So, we check in - and this idiot says, "we have a king size and can give you a roll away cot," ... OKAY - did I miss something? WHAT THE F* ARE RESERVATIONS FOR if you are just going to give me something else anyway? I said, absolutely not! We would like two full-size beds! We did not travel 5 hours to sleep on a damn cot! Suddenly... something became available. How convenient! But nothing pisses me off more than reserving something - only to get something else. What the hell are reservations worth now-a-days!! I guess only as good as the company who you make them with! Needless to say I filled out the survey quite nicely ;)
Last night was the blood moon/hunter's moon.... Halloween is coming :)
will write more soon.. :D
I did not get to see the old Salem jail or Gallow Hill so that will be for next time! I am already talking about November of THIS year :). We also got to stop in the Boston Harbor on the way home so Eric could see the USS Constitution and the Cassin Young! It was pretty remarkable!
MORE exciting - we got to go on a paranormal investigation trip (Paranormal Salem) and actually use and handle all the equipment from 12am-2am through historic Salem (the actual haunted spots, not the re-creations!) It was SO creepy! If you check out my Facebook, you will see all the pictures and the distortions in the pictures that are believed to be from paranormal activity! There are blemishes and orbs and such which have no reason to be there other than the spooky! :) I got to use the EMF machine, but there were also pendelums and rods as well! It was so awesome and we had a small intimate group of 7 so that was great! We had some awesome encounters and some crazy things happen and overall it was the BEST part of the trip! I would definatly go back to Salem/live there! :) Crazy stuff.. but too much to blog about :)
The only thing that pissed me off was booking the Hilton! Okay.. so we get to the Hilton having booked two queen beds for our stay because we knew we'd barely be in the room... just enough to sleep, shower, and run. So, we check in - and this idiot says, "we have a king size and can give you a roll away cot," ... OKAY - did I miss something? WHAT THE F* ARE RESERVATIONS FOR if you are just going to give me something else anyway? I said, absolutely not! We would like two full-size beds! We did not travel 5 hours to sleep on a damn cot! Suddenly... something became available. How convenient! But nothing pisses me off more than reserving something - only to get something else. What the hell are reservations worth now-a-days!! I guess only as good as the company who you make them with! Needless to say I filled out the survey quite nicely ;)
Last night was the blood moon/hunter's moon.... Halloween is coming :)
will write more soon.. :D
Sunday, September 18, 2011
did I miss something? or did you miss me? :)
Okay, so as some of you may know I am addicted to PINTEREST for about the last year. AND now that it's becoming popular it's even MORE fun because so many creative ideas are bouncing around! However, I saw a ROLO Cupcake on there today. A few weeks ago, I also saw a ROLO shake at McDonalds. Did I miss something about ROLO's?! I mean, I always thought they were kind of a second rate candy that no one really liked, a little too chewy and lacking a certain "umph" in their chocolate. Did I miss the boat on ROLO?
P.S. - Fall Jamboree in Sterling, NY was so cute. Sterling is amazing. <3
Also - I wanted to shout out to some cool peeps from Planned Parenthood who are my co-workers because I went to an awesome "seminar" on Transgender living which was something I did not know much about. However open and crazy and out-going and accepting I am, there are still things in which I have not explored in such great depth in my life and it was super eye opening and amazing and very informative and I think it takes SUPER guts to put yourself out there on a personal level. I know when I would present on my eating disorder and past/present struggle and the spectrum in which I've survived it was always nerve-racking BUT none the less - a huge part of my story, which made up WHO I AM! So, props to the homies at PPH!
Also, I would like to CLARIFY that Fall/Autumn is not official until September 23rd when the Autumnal Equinox comes into swing. I am annoyed with everyone "LOVING THE FALL" when it's not even fucking here yet! GRR. (that's my OCD).
On another side note, I swear to Nature that I am going to start posting/blogging every day because too many people write me saying they miss my old blog which was shut down! I guess people liked my money saving tips and cleaning tips? Ok- no big :) I shall make time!
Also, my amazing boyfriend has now found a game on his phone where he bowhunts for rabbits and it is consuming the better half of his days. :) it's pretty cute!
xoxo. Sarah
P.S. - Fall Jamboree in Sterling, NY was so cute. Sterling is amazing. <3
Also - I wanted to shout out to some cool peeps from Planned Parenthood who are my co-workers because I went to an awesome "seminar" on Transgender living which was something I did not know much about. However open and crazy and out-going and accepting I am, there are still things in which I have not explored in such great depth in my life and it was super eye opening and amazing and very informative and I think it takes SUPER guts to put yourself out there on a personal level. I know when I would present on my eating disorder and past/present struggle and the spectrum in which I've survived it was always nerve-racking BUT none the less - a huge part of my story, which made up WHO I AM! So, props to the homies at PPH!
Also, I would like to CLARIFY that Fall/Autumn is not official until September 23rd when the Autumnal Equinox comes into swing. I am annoyed with everyone "LOVING THE FALL" when it's not even fucking here yet! GRR. (that's my OCD).
On another side note, I swear to Nature that I am going to start posting/blogging every day because too many people write me saying they miss my old blog which was shut down! I guess people liked my money saving tips and cleaning tips? Ok- no big :) I shall make time!
Also, my amazing boyfriend has now found a game on his phone where he bowhunts for rabbits and it is consuming the better half of his days. :) it's pretty cute!
xoxo. Sarah
she flies with her own wings.
photo by: me -- a rainy drowning little heartbeat
Sunday, July 31, 2011
down the road.
Obviously I've had Kenny Chesney - Down the Road in my head ALL day! I love it.
Anyway, I've about had enough of "friends" utilizing me for THEIR benefit and then when I need someone to talk to they are NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. How flipping convenient! That's called selfish and makes me want to punch bitches in the face. I mean, HONESTLY!
It's similar to religion in that ... do you only call on God or pray to him when you need something? (probably, cause you're selfish) but that's NOT how it's supposed to be. You are supposed to be there for good and bad; to laugh, cry, etc. Real friends share everything, not just what's needed. Frankly, I've had enough of people only calling/texting/talking to me when they are in need of someone support but then offer me nothing else at any other point in time. EFF YERSELF.
I'm to the point where I've come to realize that I cannot have the mouth or temper that I had before, and that my father's death really made me humble and quiet - but I'm about to lose my patience and revert back to the old maniac that I used to be and just start losing my biscuits on everyone and punching people in the face!
So, I suppose I should pray for MYSELF. and for your stupidity/selfishness.
Thanks :)
Anyway, I've about had enough of "friends" utilizing me for THEIR benefit and then when I need someone to talk to they are NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. How flipping convenient! That's called selfish and makes me want to punch bitches in the face. I mean, HONESTLY!
It's similar to religion in that ... do you only call on God or pray to him when you need something? (probably, cause you're selfish) but that's NOT how it's supposed to be. You are supposed to be there for good and bad; to laugh, cry, etc. Real friends share everything, not just what's needed. Frankly, I've had enough of people only calling/texting/talking to me when they are in need of someone support but then offer me nothing else at any other point in time. EFF YERSELF.
I'm to the point where I've come to realize that I cannot have the mouth or temper that I had before, and that my father's death really made me humble and quiet - but I'm about to lose my patience and revert back to the old maniac that I used to be and just start losing my biscuits on everyone and punching people in the face!
So, I suppose I should pray for MYSELF. and for your stupidity/selfishness.
Thanks :)
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a little glimpse

- Mountain Sarah
- Liverpool, NY, United States
- I lost my father completely unexpectedly when I was 22 and have never been the same. I went to rehab for my eating disorder and have been in recovery for 8 years now symptom free. Must Love Dogs. I am very artistic and expressive and can hardly find time to cater to my photography business or self-expression. I work in the most life-altering profession with the highest burn out rate (substance abuse counseling). I believe that Nature is MY personal higher power, however I do accept everyones variations of religion. I could easily live off of carbs. I absolutely hate the warm weather, by warm I mean over 65 and I am not happy. I wish it was Fall (or Spring) all year round. I plan my dream wedding every other week, but fear I will never get married. I refuse to wear a white wedding dress. I hope to someday live in Alaska. I changed my major 5 times in college. I am faithful, loyal, and real. I will always have the last word, and do not ever cross me or question what I am capable of. I am also an avid Pinner, and happen to love Volkswagens and snacks. I also am an Independent Consultant for Arbonne, which I love! (earth lovers, unite!)