Good Afternoon all!
Due to popular request/demand, etc. I am writing this blog solely based on weight watchers information and my recent venture INTO Weight Watchers (which I often refer to as WW).
I recently started (Nov. 7) The WWPoints+ system. This is DIFFERENT in values substantially from the old point system (which I was used to from some years back) but I do like it remarkably better! For those of you who are unsure about WW, you essentially get a book with every food you can think of in it that is assigned a points value based on its protein, carb, fat, and fiber content. Also, by your height, weight, sex, and age you are calculated and given a Daily Point Target of how many points you should have a day. So, everytime you eat something - you look up the food (WITH PROPER PORTION SIZE) and track all your food until you hit your DPT. This way, it teaches you more mindful eating, healthy eating, etc. because you will notice that ALL fruits and MOST vegetables are 0 points so if you are HUNGRY and don't want to waste points - there's your sign!! Also, you are given a WEEKLY allowance of 49 points (Regardless of your weight/DPT) that is your little "piggy bank" to use whenever you want through out the week (event, party, out to dinner, etc).
ANYWAY - So, in 5 weeks (with Thanksgiving, and my birthday) I have lost 16.8 lbs! I have not exercised 1 bit (because I have pretty much no time!) and this diet happens to be perfect for me! I did have a lot of sceptics who were not supporting me because of my "past" however - the people who are supporting me - have been WONDERFUL and have seen how great I am doing and I appreciate that!
So, the juice! People ask all the time - "what is working for you?" or "what's your secrets?", "how do you stay on track?" and here is my answer: PORTIONS!!! I LITERALLY CARRY MEASURING CUPS/SPOONS with me in my purse everywhere. I bought a set of each that are on a ring (plastic ones) at the dollar store - and I keep them in my purse! Essentially on this "diet" you can eat ANYTHING you want - but it's all in moderation. In fact, WW prefers to not call it a diet at all - but rather a "Lifestyle Change". You're body will learn more about its feelings toward hunger, you will notice a lot of change - and the most important thing I noticed upon measuring NORMAL/REAL servings sizes is how much I was OVEREATING and how much my "eye-balling" it thinking that was a "normal helping" was really NOT normal at all!! (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this) ;) - and never sit down with a full bag of anything telling yourself you will STOP, just pour your serving into a bowl, and walk away and be done with it. Clear your space of unhealthy things that trigger you to overeat!
So, without fail - I measure everything! I have a scale for lunch meat, etc (which I can guestimate now that I am used to it) but I always measure out peanut butter, salad dressing, glasses of milk, etc. because unfortunately in society - we are indulgent - we are not moderate! AND I don't know about you, but I'm an emotional eater (regardless of the emotion) and my portions were CRAZY! So, now I may have to eat a 1/2 c. of mashed potatoes (where I probably used to scoop 1-1/2 c.) but you realize how much it really is and that it ISN'T that small. Eventually, your body gets used to the normal portion sizes and then you are not TEMPTED to overeat - because you've already curbed and tamed your appetite.
Some other suggestions; you can't eat it if you don't have it - so DON'T buy it! I often like sweets or chocolate after dinner, so I grab the Skinny Cow snacks at Wegman's. Also, they say, "If you aren't hungry enough to eat fruits and vegetables, you're not REALLY hungry." - Makes sense, right?
Overall, I love it. I can eat whatever I want and I have the flexibility to do whatever - I just have to measure a proper portion! You can also buy a more complepte food guide and then a dining out companion too so you can measure the points of the food you eat out at your favorite restaurants!
Another thing I will say - is to really REMEMBER to measure portions and READ the portions! A lot of people will be like, "oh I had pancakes this morning, how many points is that?" so, they go over to the book and see that Pancakes, 2 any size is 2 points - however, they ate 5 pancakes but see "Pancakes 2" and just write down 2 points. This is not accurate. You have to look at the point calculation for the serving amount!
So what's my secret? Normal serving sizes, less drinking, MEASURING everything (everything! butter, syrup, salad dressing, everything!) and TRACKING! Also, fill your plate with power foods which include fresh fruits and vegetables, non-fat dairy, whole grain, etc! WHITE SUGAR/FLOUR are the devil!! Write everything down and subtract it from your DPT like a check book! Then, as you lose weight - your DPT will drop and that way you can keep maintaining weight loss until you are satisfied with your healthy weight goal.
Also - look for FIBER! Fiber is key in losing weight! The more fiber, the better and the less points something will be! Also, just because something is FAT FREE doesn't mean it is SUGAR FREE! AND - keep an eye on salt or added sugar. Also - I stopped drinking regular soda and I know that was a HUGE help!
One more secret? GO TO THE MEETINGS. Pay for it, join. The meetings really help! Follow the rules and stick with the program because once you say, "I can do it on my own" you typically fall off the wagon - it's proven. People in the prorgam lose 51% more weight than people who try to do it on their own!
So, there are my secrets! Feel free to leave comments or write me if you have any more questions!! :) Hope this helps a little!
Happy Healthing :)
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a little glimpse

- Mountain Sarah
- Liverpool, NY, United States
- I lost my father completely unexpectedly when I was 22 and have never been the same. I went to rehab for my eating disorder and have been in recovery for 8 years now symptom free. Must Love Dogs. I am very artistic and expressive and can hardly find time to cater to my photography business or self-expression. I work in the most life-altering profession with the highest burn out rate (substance abuse counseling). I believe that Nature is MY personal higher power, however I do accept everyones variations of religion. I could easily live off of carbs. I absolutely hate the warm weather, by warm I mean over 65 and I am not happy. I wish it was Fall (or Spring) all year round. I plan my dream wedding every other week, but fear I will never get married. I refuse to wear a white wedding dress. I hope to someday live in Alaska. I changed my major 5 times in college. I am faithful, loyal, and real. I will always have the last word, and do not ever cross me or question what I am capable of. I am also an avid Pinner, and happen to love Volkswagens and snacks. I also am an Independent Consultant for Arbonne, which I love! (earth lovers, unite!)
Thank you for the great information! I really appreceiate it! After reading through you blog, I was like hell ya, I want to do this! :)
ReplyDeleteSorry about the spelling errors, I was trying to multi task - clearly I can't. I'm really glad you have been able to find such a wonderful program for yourself and that you are able to share with all of us about your experience! I've been on the fence about joining and thought that I could just work out, get a personal trainer and be fine.. but i've been that route and I know I need to focus on what I'm eating for the other stuff to actually make a difference. Thanks for sharing!